Wednesday, March 24, 2010


One of the games I used to like as a little girl was dressing up like a lady. What makes a lady? She certainly is taller than a girl – all the ladies we knew: our mothers, our grandmothers, our neighbours. So a girl will need long legs or at least high heels and long dresses (the short ones came a lot later when we wanted to look like women, which are a different breed from ladies) in order to be a lady. Then, in order to look like a lady, a girl needs a hat – she has to climb on a chair (or even two chairs on top of each other) to reach the shelf where her mother keeps the most fluffy hat she owns (she's never been seen wearing it, so it must be really precious). Then she only need a mirror or, even better, some friends to admire her attire.

Text written by my good artist friend Selma Dragos. Thanks Selma!

These are the works I worked on lately. I'm discovering the magic of women in painting!
They are made with acrylic on wood.
Dimensions: 55/120 cm

Happy Easter to all of you and a big hug to all of my followers!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

home deco

Hi guys!

I'm around here! Watching you, being constantly inspired by you!
I want to present you the other side of my job, the furnitures refurbished together with my partner, Cris. I hope you like them!

Mean while my paintings are enjoying their metamorphosis!