Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hi! I want to share with you the surprise the lovely Krisztina, made me today!
She honored me with the Kreative Blogger Award! Thanks Krisztina!

To comply with the rules I pass the award away to five bloggers that I admire and that inspire me. I find them really talented in what they do! Congratulations my friends!



P said...

How lovely of you! Thank you so much for the award - you made my day!

Keszeg Agi said...

Szia Andrea,
hát nagyon szépen köszönöm a meglepetést :)
Kívánok Neked és a család többi tagjának is örömökben gazdag, boldog új évet és jó munkát.
puszi, Ági

B said...

Congratulations on your award...oh, and happy new year!